Proof that The Universe has mercy

This is a story worth retelling because 2009 -- especially in the first few months -- will necessarily be held up in contrast to Not-So-Great 2008. This is a story that affirms my faith in the natural balancing powers of The Universe and one that I need to remember.

I was having an okay day until my mood was soured by driving around town running errands at rush hour in Seattle on an extremely rainy January afternoon. Gee, can't imagine why! I agreed to meet for grub and a drink at Monsoon.

As I am parallel parking my newly-recovered car (the "newly-recovered" bit mentioned, in part to emphasize the legacy that 2008 has left on my psyche), I happened to gently (and I really honest-to-god do mean gently) bump the car behind me. The car honked in protest, obviously because it was occupied.

I finished parking, got out, and sheepishly waved "sorry", mostly at the driver, figuring that there was absolutely no way that I had caused any damage. As I began to walk off, a woman storms out from the passenger side yelling, "Oh no no no, you don't just hit my parked car and walk off and raise your hand and say 'sorry' like that! I was parked, my engine was off...."

And she's walking all the way around the car to inspect it, even though i would have only hit the front bumper.

I said, "I'm really sorry, do you see any damage?"

And after completing her lap around her Buick, she shouted back, "No, but if anything happens in the next 8 years, you'd better believe there will be!"

Not comprehending what she meant at first, I said, "What? I don't understand?" And followed her to the passenger side of the car after she had stormed back in and slammed the door. She reluctantly opened the door again after a few moments of glaring at me, standing in the pouring rain with a puzzled expression, and spat: "If anything happens in the next 8 years! Read between the lines!"

And then I understood that if her vehicle incurred any damage over the NEXT 8 YEARS she would hold me liable for it. In my fury I wasn't able to grasp the stupidity and impossibility of this, but I managed to have the clarity to obtain her plates, car, make and model. I got back in my car, furiously screeched out and parked somewhere else.

I wanted to cry I was so mad. I did cry a little once I entered the restaurant, which was ironically for a Happy Hour gathering. I downed half my glass of wine in one gulp, and then slowly warmed up to enjoying my meal.

I was finally getting over the experience when the gal walks in, an hour and a half later. I knew immediately who she was when she walked in, but figured she was coming in to eat too, and so chose to ignore her. But when she timidly approached me and said, "I don't know if it was you..." I had no choice but to say, "It was me."

She began, "I'm so sorry about what happened. I've been driving around looking for your car and wasn't sure where you went in. That wasn't me, I'm not like that, and my conscience really got to me. So I apologize."

And i said, "Okay. No worries. My name is Karen."
And she said, "My name is Emily. Thank you for accepting my apology."

We shook hands, she left, and I cried into my napkin as we asked for the check.


Jamie said...

Thank you for sharing that story! How cool that she was able to say that it wasn't her, it was how she acted....and to have the humility and grace to apologize! Awesomeness!

Liz Doyle said...

Good story.